Sustainability reports as communicators of the results of the due diligence process




due diligence, risks, sustainability reports, GRI Standards, disclosure


There is a growing number of due diligence-related policies around the world. Most of them set expectations for greater accountability for environmental and social impacts. However, there is no widely adopted reporting system, making it difficult to track measure and compare progress. For this reason, the objective of this research work is to reflect on the scope of the risk-based due diligence process, as well as the effectiveness of its uniform reporting through the GRI Standards. A critical bibliographical analysis was carried out that allowed comparisons and deductions about the doctrinal contributions that support the hypotheses. It could be verified that the due diligence process involves multiple sub-processes and objectives, including responsible business conduct. The GRI Standards incorporate information on due diligence in: GRI 2- General Contents and GRI 3- Material Topics. The risk-based due diligence approach in all areas makes it possible to effectively identify, avoid and address impacts. Sustainability reports under the GRI Standards provide useful and uniform information on these aspects.


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How to Cite

Scavone, G., & Marchesano, M. (2023). Sustainability reports as communicators of the results of the due diligence process. La Junta Magazine, 6(2), 100–113.