Challenges in the accreditation of competences of the accounting expert in the contribution of viable and timely expert evidence, mitigating the risks of malpractice in the administration of justice by the judge in the Ucayali Region, 2022




expert procedure, file review, expert evidence


The objective of the research is to analyze the challenges in the accreditation of competences of the judicial and fiscal accounting expert in the contribution of viable and timely expert evidence, mitigating the risks of malpractice in the administration of justice by the judge in the Ucayali Region, 2022; in this sense, the accreditation of professional quality, improving performance based on ethical knowledge; knowing the accreditation of the experience in the development with efficiency and effectiveness of the expert and the accreditation of sufficient technical, administrative knowledge contributes to the ability to solve problems; in order to achieve that the expert report concludes being a valuable contribution of the expert evidence with elements and arguments based on investigation techniques, analysis, inquiry and investigation, tracking and monitoring, observation.

Methodology is a basic analytical, observational type, at a descriptive level on the accreditation of competencies and the contribution of viable and timely expert evidence, using the survey as techniques, observation of documentary data analysis, questionnaire as an instrument.

Results: The chi-square hypothesis test, it was determined that the degree of significance is 0.000, this being less than 0.05, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Conclusions: There are challenges in the accreditation of competences of the judicial and fiscal accounting expert in the contribution of viable and timely expert evidence, mitigating the risks of malpractice in the administration of justice by the judge in the Ucayali Region, 2022.


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How to Cite

Palomino Ochoa, J. J. (2022). Challenges in the accreditation of competences of the accounting expert in the contribution of viable and timely expert evidence, mitigating the risks of malpractice in the administration of justice by the judge in the Ucayali Region, 2022. La Junta Magazine, 5(2), 78–104.