Analysis of the factors that limit research in the profession of Public Accountant in Peru, year 2022




scientific research, limiting factors, public accountant, accounting


The present research work carries out a reflexive analysis of the account research activity developed in the country, taking into account its relevance in the increase of the epistemic heritage of the accounting discipline, while making visible the need
to strengthen the skills of professionals of accounting. Its objective is to determine the factors that limit research in the Public Accountant profession in Peru, in 2022.
It is basic research, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive level. Its design
is not experimental-transectional; the survey was developed as a technique and the instrument was a questionnaire designed for this study, composed of dichotomous approaches, to answer the research question. The population is made up of 29,940 Certified Public Accountants in the Departmental Colleges at the national level, and a representative sample of 382 accounting professionals was taken through a conglomerate survey. The results indicate that there are personal and institutional factors that limit accounting research, at a medium level, with an incidence of 52% and 66%, respectively. It is concluded that institutional factors associated with representative institutions, editorial institutions or policies, and universities limit research production more strongly than personal factors. Among these, the lack of depth of the academic products and the lack of support for training stand out, which is why these institutions are invited to include certification programs for the acquisition of research skills and thus contribute to the construction theory of accounting as a scientific discipline.


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How to Cite

Silva Santillán, U. L., & Vargas Vargas, L. V. (2022). Analysis of the factors that limit research in the profession of Public Accountant in Peru, year 2022. La Junta Magazine, 5(2), 28–59.