Analysis of the exoneration of the IGV and the costs of publishers in Lima – Peru




IGV exemption, tax incentives, editorial costs, mypes publishers


The present investigation includes determining the relationship of the exemption from the general sales tax (IGV) with the costs of publishers in the city of Lima. The research approach was quantitative, the method was non-experimental with a descriptive design - correlational and transectional. The population was determined by 40 publishers registered in the Peruvian Book Chamber. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the IGV and the costs of the publishers, obtaining a Spearman coefficient of 0.639, which implies that, in the face of a continuous exemption from the IGV, more stable costs will be obtained that favor their different management levels. and decision-making of publishers, generating greater accessibility to culture in society.


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How to Cite

Soto Aguirre, K. J., & Morales Alvarado, L. (2022). Analysis of the exoneration of the IGV and the costs of publishers in Lima – Peru. La Junta Magazine, 5(1), 96–111.

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