Investments in IT: Do Brazilian banks disclose these investments?
IT investment, Disclosure, B3, TIAbstract
1110 / 5000 Resultados de traducción This study aims to identify whether banks have made disclosure of their IT investments to investors. For this purpose, the Explanatory Notes of the 25 banks listed on the official stock exchange in Brazil (B3) between the years 2013 and 2017 were analyzed to verify whether the banks disclosed their investments in IT as fixed assets and intangible assets. The result obtained was that 76% made disclosure of their IT investments in all the Explanatory Notes for the years analyzed, as fixed assets and intangible assets and that did not use a standard nomenclature for these disclosures. This work contributes for the market to identify how highlighted IT investments are and to improve its practices, as this information is relevant for the analysis of analysts and investors. It also contributes to investors because it demonstrates that 76% of the financial institutions listed in B3 are making the disclosures of these investments in addition to contributing to fill an existing gap due to the lack of academic articles on this topic.Downloads
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Recibido: 31/10/2018
Aceptado: 21/11/2018
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Copyright (c) 2018 Aline Thatyana Aranda da Rocha Branco Acantara Alves, Napoleão Verardi Galegale, Fernando Almeida Santos
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