The Code of Ethics, in the arbitration awards process




code of ethics, arbitration awards, corruption in arbitration, professional ethics


The purpose of this research work is to contextualize and analyze the Code of Ethics of arbitration since its publication in order to establish if there is an effect on the resolution of arbitration awards. It is oriented under a descriptive exploratory methodology where the behavior of the variables between 2017 and 2020 is observed. The results obtained as a result of the documentary analysis were, the Code of Ethics as a normative body has no effect on arbitration processes, for this reason The State in 2020 issues an Emergency Decree to guarantee transparency, limiting the arbitrators in their actions with clear rules and criteria, however, there is a long way to go and in this process everything established in the Code of ethics.


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How to Cite

Morales Alvarado, G., & Zavala Llauce, R. (2021). The Code of Ethics, in the arbitration awards process. La Junta Magazine, 4(1), 87–96.