Virtual pedagogical strategies for teaching - learning in higher education
technology, competencies, virtual classroom, virtual educationAbstract
This article describes the evolution of virtual university education in current times. In the first place, the characteristics of the new teaching contexts and the importance of training in competencies are exposed, and a review is made of the skills that students must develop for their performance in the 21st century, proposed from various academic fields. Then, the incorporation of ICT in the university is analyzed, as well as innovation and the use of technology in the classroom by identifying various strategies for this. In this line, it is specified how to select the teaching-learning methodological approach, from the different pedagogical models of education in general and through the analysis of different teaching theories. Subsequently, the contextualization of learning is considered, the use of the educational platform and various lines of action for the incorporation of ICT, as well as the development of a course with the characteristics of the different activities that must be developed. In relation to this, the resources for the elaboration of the materials to be used in a course according to the characteristics of the students are presented. Finally, the different teaching roles and the competencies that must be developed according to each function are described.
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Fecha de recepción: 20/10/2018
Fecha de aceptación: 21/11/2018
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