Analysis of the non-domiciled income tax in permanent establishments: digital services, technical assistance and know-how (period 2018-2019)




Non domiciled, permanent establishments, digital services, technical assistance, know how


This technical work seeks to analyze the non-domiciled income tax in the following permanent establishments (EP): digital case services, technical assistance and royalties, within the 2018-2019 period. First, with respect to the non-domiciled income tax of permanent establishments, the Executive Branch, through Legislative Decree No. 1424, has not only given and updated the definition of EP, but can no longer be modified by Decree Supreme, as it could be when the definition was merely regulatory. Likewise, the law has tried to give some content to the concept of “preparatory or auxiliary activities” by delineating a definition of this concept, but everything that is not essential and significant for the entity’s activities would seem confusing. Finally, within the assumptions contained for the configuration of an EP in the CDI, signed by Peru with Chile, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Korea and Switzerland (not Brazil), the well- known “service EP” has been included, considered, In addition, technical assistance and know-how; however, in the case of digital services that are performed by a non- domiciled company in Brazil, the 15% rate will apply; if it is from Switzerland, 10%; and if they are not domiciled subjects of Canada, Chile, Korea, Mexico and Portugal, of 0%, only provided if they are not considered EP.


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How to Cite

Enríquez Moreno, J., & Cobos Apaz, A. M. (2019). Analysis of the non-domiciled income tax in permanent establishments: digital services, technical assistance and know-how (period 2018-2019). La Junta Magazine, 2(2), 116–140.