The role of the public accountant vis-à-vis the application of Computer Science applied to Taxation




Computer science, taxation, accounting profession, collection and control


In this article, we analyze the applications of Information Technology in the field of accounting taxation; that is to say, how certain methods, techniques and processes what are managed from the Computer Science, with the purpose of storing, processing and transmitting information and data in digital format, and for the benefit of taxation. Mainly, as will be presented, this can be used as a collection and control tool by SUNAT, a function that exposes the challenge of including part of the knowledge of computer science to the role of the accounting professional.


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How to Cite

Quispe Espinoza, E. P. (2019). The role of the public accountant vis-à-vis the application of Computer Science applied to Taxation. La Junta Magazine, 2(2), 103–115.