Tax modifications and accrued application in the accounting and tax fields





accrued, Legislative Decree No. 1425, accounting, taxation


The various transformations that have arisen worldwide have generated a series of changes in all areas of human life and economic management is not an exception. In this field, one of the most disturbing problems is the recognition of future income that is part of the accrual principle, a situation that generates multiple confusions in its accounting and tax application. In this sense, the accrual, in the accounting field, can be understood as the birth of rights and obligations, while, in the tax field, its birth occurs from the obligation of the tax fact. Taking into account these considerations, the concern to review Legislative Decree No. 1425 arose, which was issued with the purpose of clarifying the accounting landscape for income tax purposes and granting a regulatory framework that would allow unifying criteria, for which, among other important scopes, the term “accrual” is defined for the first time. From this perspective, through this article we seek to establish the scope of tax changes for the application of the accrual principle in the accounting and tax fields.


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How to Cite

García Bayona, J. (2019). Tax modifications and accrued application in the accounting and tax fields. La Junta Magazine, 2(1), 129–139.