The constitutional function of taxes: special reference to the redistributive function and its relationship with tax justice




constitutional function, tributes, redistributive, collection, social justice


This article analyzes the constitutional function of taxes, their historical evolution and their relationship with social justice within the framework of a social and democratic state of law. An attempt is made to show that a tax system will be fair when it integrates justice in taxation and distributive justice in spending, through the distribution of the resources obtained through public spending. If these conditions are met, the needs assumed by the social and democratic state of law will be covered.


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Fecha de recepción: 31/10/2018

Fecha de aceptación: 21/11/2018




How to Cite

Montesinos León, N. P. (2018). The constitutional function of taxes: special reference to the redistributive function and its relationship with tax justice. La Junta Magazine, 1(1), 138–149.