Fundamentals and meta-methodology of the diagnosis of the development of accounting science




fundamentals, meta-methodology, scientific development, accounting science


The investigation of the fundamentals and meta-methodology of the diagnosis of the development of accounting science is an essential component to structure scientific development policies. The essential problems are: What foundations does the Diagnosis of the Development of Accounting Science have? What meta-methodological principles of evaluation does the Diagnosis of the Development of Accounting Science have? From these problems we infer its objectives: Determine the foundations of the Diagnosis of the Development of Accounting Science and Determine the meta- methodological principles of the Diagnosis of the Development of Accounting Science. The premises of the research to characterize scientific development are: (i) the epistemic approach, (ii) the semantic approach and (iii) the functional-internalist approach. The research method is the epistemic analysis method. The result of the research is the formulation of the meta-methodological principles of the diagnosis of the development of accounting science.


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How to Cite

De la Cruz Cerrón, V. H. (2021). Fundamentals and meta-methodology of the diagnosis of the development of accounting science. La Junta Magazine, 4(2), 80–94.