The impact of the opinion of audit reports on the price of shares of companies in the industrial sector that are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange




audit report, price of a share, Stock Market, industrial sector


In the contemporary world, audit reports provide additional support to the consolidated financial information in the financial statements, which has been generated in a company during a certain period, generally during a year. As it is a credible report, it generates an impact on both stakeholders and the stock market in which the audited company is operating. The objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate the impact of the opinion of the audit reports on the price of the shares of Peruvian companies in the industrial sector that are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange (BVL), during a period of 5 years, from 2016 to 2020. In order to develop this study, the companies in the industrial sector that are listed on the BVL and belong to an index (S&P) are used as a sample; In addition, the audit reports will be from their individual financial statements because in a consolidated financial statement the information of other related entities is unified, which may be from different economic sectors, before which there would not be an adequate analysis. Finally, it is concluded that the audit reports, with an unqualified opinion, do not have a direct impact on the share price of companies in the industrial sector; however, for reports with another type of opinion (qualified, adverse, abstention), an exhaustive investigation would have to be carried out to reach a respective conclusion.


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How to Cite

Ccanto Mayhua, C. A. (2021). The impact of the opinion of audit reports on the price of shares of companies in the industrial sector that are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. La Junta Magazine, 4(2), 13–35.