Accounting policies as management tools and their effects on expected results




Accounting policies, tools to avoid mistakes


In this research work, it has been shown that every public institution has defined accounting policies, which constitute appropriate tools for management in order to achieve its objectives that are finally reflected in the results obtained.

It is also shown that, although it is true, the existence of defined policies, constitute the basis for the achievement of objectives, it is also true that their effects in terms of the results expected of said entities, depends a lot on the real understanding of the itself and its application by those responsible for its management.

Due to the above, this research aims to make a generic and explanatory analysis of the needs that led to the generation of accounting policies, in such a way that those who have the responsibility of their interpretation and application in the pursuit of the objectives of public institutions achieve consensus on them. in such a way that they become true management instruments for obtaining optimal results that the population as a whole expects from them.

By virtue of the nature of the research, the study is of an explorative or descriptive type, under a non-experimental design and with regard to research procedures and techniques; to data collection.

It was established that accounting policies have normative origin of specialty and application to specific areas but that nevertheless there are personal or institutional assessments that are adopted under the modality of criteria which do not always coincide or do not always reflect the spirit of the policies for which were created.

Research on accounting policies seeks to obtain a positive result because these as a management instrument in every public entity are necessary and indispensable, but it must be established that in order to obtain the expected results, the human potential that administer interpret and apply.

Its development and dissemination of this research topic will contribute to those who have the responsibility of directing a public entity as executives, as well as to professional groups that house professionals who provide their services in public management, by ensuring their integrity. professional.


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How to Cite

Azabache de la Cruz, P. N., & Azabache de la Cruz, E. R. (2020). Accounting policies as management tools and their effects on expected results. La Junta Magazine, 3(2), 42–69.

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