The audit approach in the environment of the digital age and artificial intelligence
Digital, virtual and remote audit, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, forensic anti-fraud and anti-corruption audit, risk and crisis management, compliance, criminal behaviourAbstract
This work is developed within the scope of the Topic: "Modern approach to auditing and its role in the prevention of fraud and corruption", sub topic "The focus of Auditing in the environment of the digital age and artificial intelligence”.
It is a contribution of special interest and is relevant because it identifies the elements necessary to specify the role of the Public Accountant in his role as Auditor who faces the challenge of focusing the audit in the environment of the digital age and artificial intelligence; in the current COVID-19 crisis and pandemic scenario.
When thinking of an auditor, an image of the professional is kept immersed in a sea of papers documenting his work. That view is out of date; The auditor's paradigm has come to change its image in recent decades, proposing a new model, where the auditor professional is a person with critical thinking, who takes advantage of cutting-edge technology and innovative ideas, generating a change based on the new The digital era and the rise of artificial intelligence characterized by actions based on technological innovation, social norms and paradigm shifts.
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